Another noble asks us to build a monument to the power of his muscles. I begin to wonder if the good Baron, fleeing from a snow hare, was not simply fleeing retribution for animal abuse of his own. All of the animals arrive injured in some way. I apparently now run a doggie daycare for the miscellaneous animals of the eccentric, bored space nobility. You must accumulate wealth, and the power to defend it, in a sustainable way. The colony must become a lucious, luxurious palace. Royalty wants you to thrive rather than simply survive. Previously the game really focused on building up a base of supplies for an overland trek to an established ship, or on a defensible technological base so you could build a new ship of your own. Royalty presents a new twist on RimWorld for me. If I keep her happy she'll fly my colonists off-world. I guess she just likes to know it's available? The mind of the blessed nobility must operate on a much higher level than my own.įinally, the imperials turn over the quest for the endgame: if Onesan can reach the rank of Countess, imperial Stellarch Adeodata will come visit us. She is very pleased by its grandeur nonetheless. Over the next year, she never once sits on the throne-she doesn't even enter the throne room. She carves herself a throne out of solid jade and I spend a week building a grand marble hall for it to sit in. In exchange, Onesan gets promoted high enough in the imperial nobility that they send down a psychic enhancement device for her to plug in. The nobility wants us to let their pets get a break from the space station life, so they send down a pair of foxes for us to care for. There are some advantages to having a psychopath as a leader. In the immortal words of reality TV show contestants the world over: I am not here to make friends, I am here to win. So I put the most predictable person in charge. But if a character progresses too quickly up the ranks, they will, to put it plainly, lose their shit at the disconnect between expectation and reality. The new path to escape via nobility is hard because I need the wealth to satisfy our noble's desires. These are not desirable behaviors in a leader. Stacking these penalties can lead to colonists going a bit over the edge: throwing tantrums, binge drinking, murdering their rivals. She won't get mood penalties when others die along the way… which is good because the expectations of an imperial noble are hard to meet on the rim, and that causes mood penalties.

No matter what happens to the others, Onesan won't lose her cool.